Saturday, August 2, 2008

Camping/Hiking Radio.

Hey guys so here's my final development of my radio.
The idea is still surrounded by the environment and camping. I've added some extra features including an LED light around the base of the product that gives off a dim light (light travels far when camping) this light captures a different feature of the use of the radio being that you can hang it in the tent and have a central light along with the entertainment of the radio. i've also refined the shape of the radio and and functions. (see sketches) so yeah, any feedback anyone?
kaitlin x

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1 comment:

Robbie said...

Kaitlin, the refinement is coming along nicely. Is this going to be too small for those internals? The picture on the hand makes me think it might be.

Maybe you could make more of a feature of the loops?
