Saturday, September 6, 2008

food poisioning

My idea is a device which can detect unsafe food quickly and easily. Aimed at travellers, restaurant owners and possibly third world countries.

Food poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites which you cannot detect quickly; you need laboratories and hours or even days to get results. However, researchers at the University of South Carolina may have the answer. They have been working on a simple 'dipstick' or lancet that can determine if food is spoilt in 5 minutes with a 90% accuracy rate. Of course, food spoilage doesn't necessarily cause trips to the hospital...

These are some sketches I've started, just playing with different graphical ways that could indicate unsafe food.


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Student Contributor said...

Hi sunny, i like the pen idea which incorporates a secondary function. Is it possible to make a business card sized tester that travelers can put in their wallets or with their passports? also might it be possible to check the protein to get an idea of what kind of meat it is and how long its been around for? I believe the simple "yes, no" feedback is more useful than a bar graph since i dont think the degree of food poisening is a consideration. The tick and cross is great!

Student Contributor said...

I like your idea, it seems to be very useful, specialy when eating in places where one may be concerned about the condition of the food...but maybe you could design one that can be concealed by the user so that whoever is using it doesnt have to be seen sticking it into the food, especially by the chef? as you can tell im struggling to indentify things that could be improvd on your concept because its such a good idea. keep up the good work.


Student Contributor said...

first comment was by Andrew vdm, sorry

Student Contributor said...

good ideas all!


Robbie said...

Yeah, this is some good work. The graphics are going to make/break this - so I'd like to see some variation in the ideas on Tuesday. Imagine you're in a restaurant and you don't want to offend the waiter, but you need to measure the food??
