Saturday, September 6, 2008

Measuring Hunger

hey guys

my design is based on measuring hunger, im not going to go into too much detail because i already did that on my last entry...the mental part of the machine is based on smell and the aromas around the person using the product. and the physical hunger will be based on excercise and the last time a meal or snack was eaten...

so yeh there you go.

some of it is manual where the person has to put in when last meal was eaten and the amount of excercise done but other than that the machine detecs the different food smells...

i may also include some kind of microship which is under the skin therefore can test blood for sugar levels ect...


1 comment:

Robbie said...

Microchips under the skin!?! This might not be a good idea because it takes your idea from easy to use product, into the realm of medical procedures.

The concept is neat, and would take some user configuration, but then would give a good understanding of the difference between perceived and actual hunger. The smell/aroma idea may be tricky, as people have perferences here...
