Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hydration Monitor

Hey guys,
Don't know if you can read my hand writing but it simply explains that in my theory hydration can also be measured fairly accurately as water is used by the body as a coolant and so if the temperature is increased and the moisture content in the air we breath out decreases the dehydration level of a person increases.


Student Contributor said...

I really like the idea you have with the Hydration Monitor, it looks like it would work well as a product in both use and function.

Cheers, Clive

Robbie said...

Joseph - nice simplification of the measurement. So, who's the target? Sports, general health, hospitals, all? Answering this question might guide the aesthetics (not that there's anything wrong with what you've got up here on the blog). How accurate is it? A precision instrument?


Student Contributor said...

I would like to aim my product at at middle aged people. More specifically between the ages of 18 and 40 who are always on the go and neglect that fact that they need to keep their hydration level up. However the beauty of this sort of product is that other audiences can benefit from its simplicity. For example athletes, tourists as well as the elderly. As the target audience is so open i think having a simple and easy to read measuring device is the way to go with maybe 3 levels of dehydration. The user will still get a accurate understanding of how dehydrated or hydrated they are.
Thnx for your feedback!