Saturday, July 26, 2008

Week 2

This radio is for people who enjoy walking or hiking. It is meant to be held around the middle, allowing easy access to adjusting the volume and station.

Emily C


Student Contributor said...

I like the idea but something I must say. There is a middle narrow screen that runs down the radio, but if its handheld and you're running wont you have to grab the centre thus covering the screen?

It might be better to reposition this screen so you wouldn't get sweat marks all over the screen whilst running around the Yarra river like a loony at 5am in the morning!

And, sorry I know a lot of 'constructive criticism', it would be good to see a 3 dimensional drawing just to get a better overall feel for the radio.

Keep working on it! Has good potential!

- Chris

Student Contributor said...

The idea is great but have you thought about the environment this is going to be used in? Firstly as chris mentioned the screen is a little impractical as it is intended to be handheld and your hand would cover the screen. the other thing i thought was have you considered that the product may be dropped? if so what would happen to the product? would it shatter? is it worth incorporating some sort of feature to protect the product, perhaps not as crude as shockproof panels but something that could serve the same function yet is a little more stylish.

some stuff to think about. nice work.

Nick C