Saturday, July 26, 2008

week 2 sketch

here's an idea ive been working on...i wanted to make a piece that would both look interesting sitting on the table, and feel comfortable in the aim is to entice users to pick it up off the bench because of its inviting shape

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Student Contributor said...

i like how you though of the shape being "inviting" and being nice to hold in one's hand. reminds me of how the original marmite jar and coke bottle were designed: welcoming, heavy bottom, nice to hold (so that you will pick one off the supermarket shelf and not put it back...).

go with some bright, warm and saturated colours like red or yellow, it should make your design even more attractive.


Student Contributor said...

This seems like a very user friendly design, ergonomic and non-threatening with its organic curved silhouette. It think you’ll have fun making this out of foam, sanding it down until you match the profile, you could even contemplate introducing some finger grooves or some slight indentations to show the best possible gripping orientation, or you could just leave and let the user handle it as they see fit, yeah! Very nice organic design.

-Daniel Dob.