Saturday, July 26, 2008

Favourite idea

This is my favourite idea so far, The Main shape has been inspired by a guitar pick, in the curved cornered triangle style. Being in the pocket all the time as its being a portable device needs to be easy to change station/volume, The main scrolling style knob on the front will be for tuning as in the pocket the forefinger can easily scroll up n down and the volume will be at the back sot eh thumg can easily change that. Still a few things to be thought out but looks promising so far.

Bees, cows, tigers and more! Windows Live Messenger treats you to 30 free emoticons. 


Student Contributor said...

Love the shape... would the volume and tune be easy to change? because i could see that if it was in your pocket is may become a problem with accidental changes in either of the two. is there some other form of interface you could use that would not have the same issue? maybe play around with some different interface ideas and see what happens..

great work anyhow..

Nick C

Student Contributor said...

I like that you used the shape of a guitar pick fo a radio! If it's meant to be used from the inside of a pocket then might the sound be muffled as the speaker is sitting on the front? Just something to think about if it's going to be an issue.
