Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week 7 post...

Although I believe the second brief is a bit ambiguous in nature I think it’s a fantastic opportunity to spread our wings and explore! With Robbie’s approach, everything so far has turned out to be much less painful than I originally thought they would be and I think this second half will turn out to be a huge success for the class as well.
Although I’m still a bit unsure about the final concept, I’m considering three different approaches. I have chosen pain, love or fatigue as the “event” and I want to explore ways to “measure” one of them as the final concept (at this stage – of course it might change later ;)). I think one systematic approach towards inventing a product that identifies and measures the unconventional qualities mentioned here is to think of their attributes and indicators, i.e. how can we identify/define/detect pain or how can we come to the conclusion that an individual is tired (fatigue or lack of awareness)…


Student Contributor said...

Hi jeff,
I think your three topics-pain, love and sleep are interesting...I really like the topic sleep-because I would like to know how much I really sleep a day or how long I need to rest... fun fun fun..What time did you sleep last night and what time did you wake up in the morning? [measurement]


Student Contributor said...

hey, you should look at the sleeping cycle, what happens if you wake up in the middle of the night, Eg: the cycle starts from the beginging again. you should also look at sleeping disorders, such as sleep apnea (snoring) and how this effects their sleeping patterns, eg they never get a really deep sleep. there are many things that can effect the amount of sleep/good sleep you get a night. you should look into it a bit more as i think this is a good "topic" to design the device for.
