Saturday, August 30, 2008

My latest idea for the new project is 'Potential'. However the word potential doesn't describe the process very well. It is more like measuring a small child's skills and putting them into different skill categories.
The idea is to devise a toy and a small book for parents of young children. The toy is given to a child to play with, and depending on how the child uses the toy determines what skill area they will be good at. The toy will be able to be used many different ways for many things. The skill categories and how to determine these will be explained in the book. The categories are- Music, Visual Art, Language, Mathematics's, Sport and Social.
The parents will be able to determine the skills of their child and nurture these skill's.
The idea still needs alot of thought, but this is my idea so far.

1 comment:

Student Contributor said...

It's a good idea, I like how you thought of how you would initial guage the childs potential with a toy, very smart as a child would be compelled to interact with the toy.

Yet I find it a bit depressing in general with society today that parents are pushing their children and teaching them the "win or loose" mindset and kids are so savy. It's a bit concerning and to see if the kid has potential and to guide them to a specific field, could deter them for learning other things.

But I guess it's up to the parent what happens when they guage something from the toy, in this case they are somewhat 'part-designer' of your product.

- Chris