Friday, August 29, 2008

My initial direction for assignment two...

Hi guys!

I think that stress is a huge issue in the workplace. Lots of people, especially those who seem to be stuck at a desk, staring at a computer all day, get really stressed and work less productively because of this. I'd like to create a product that measures how 'stressed' someone is through indicators like blood pressure, skin temperature and sensations, level of oxygen in the blood, etc. If the user becomes too stressed the product might suggest to them that they need a five minute coffee break or a few minutes of fresh air. I'm not sure how this product would work or how the output would be communicated but that's the direction I'm currently heading in.


1 comment:

Student Contributor said...

Grace, I like the topic you have chosen to follow, your right it is a big problem in the workplace and society in general today. Stress not only reduces productivety but its also an extremely bad health issue, and it has an aging effect on meny people. I think you will be heading towards quite an interactive design as stress levels are quite personal- everyone deals with it differently. Look at how you personally respond and deal with stress and i reckon it will help you come up with an effective method of measuring and providing feedback for the user.

Andrew G :)