Saturday, August 30, 2008

Measuring Idea: Patience

Hey everyone, my initial idea was to design a device to measure potential, but that was just soo broad and consisted entirely of a large powerful computer which asked questions like a long survey haha. so that was scrapped pretty quickly. Since then I have really been fascinated with the idea of measuring someone's patience. Patience is being able to endure under annoyance or waiting for long periods of time. Currently I am playing around with the idea of having a game which tests peoples patience. Maybe having a plug in controller which somehow measures, heart rate, blood pressure, sweat etc to control aspects of the game. Like say if you were doing a puzzle under timed conditions. Stress levels would increase along with blood pressure which would cause the time limit to drop etc.. Having a button to increase the time again would serve as a measure of impatience. Its all a bit complicated but what do you guys reckon?


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