Saturday, August 30, 2008


So I think I'll design a product for measuring a person’s level of Loyalty.
I've been thinking about this and have decieded to break down a person’s level of loyalty based on three factors. The duration and the nature of the relationship, the person’s level of judgment and ability to discriminate and their level of self control
The level of loyalty is dependent on the level of the above quantities and a lack of one quantity can be compensated by an excess of another. Because of this a device that measures loyalty can also measure levels of its contributing factors if some of the other factors could be estimated. That is; you can substitute in known values to reveal unknown values. So, this device could also be useful for testing someone’s judgement and self control.

I had several ideas of how this could be useful but I think that I'll make a device for employers to measure potential employee's loyalty, and I'm also thinking about including an option to measure someone's ability to discriminate... but it's still early days.

But now I figure it will be used in an interview or performance apraisal situation. So now I know it has to be a fast process. Also... there are privacy issues to consider, and also how to make the potential employer feel comfterable being tested this way.


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