Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weekly progress

Hey guys,
As you can see my model hasnt changed much over the last week however its not that i havent done anything. As you can see i have painted the base plate chrome. I have done this for the other base plate as well. I have also constructed some internal structure in both hemispheres to make it easier to fit to the base plate. Also for the inside i have sorted out what will create the glow dispersed by the angry form of the product. The spikes are filed on the inside and are ready to be bonded to the surface tomorrow morning. Im planning on getting the model finished off this weekend so hopefully that all goes to plan. Thanks guys
Cya soon


Student Contributor said...

Ohhhhh wow. Nice work Nick. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.

When it's illuminated is there a chance that the comonents inside would show through the plastic. Just a thought... you could colour them white so they didn't show.


Student Contributor said...

nice work nick.
i'm looking forward to see the final model of yours. it looks really cute and i think your doing the right choice by reducing the size of it.
keep up the good work.


Student Contributor said...

So the base plate was plastic and you painted it chrome? Looks great! Are you planning to paint the model or keep it that colour? And if so are you going to paint it at the warning stage or calm or gradient? Overall it's very well executed model you got right there.

- Chris