Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 12 Post...

Obviously from the pic you can tell I'm at the primer/color stage… the MIA (missing in action)EEG sensors were hanging somewhere in the bat-cave (upside down) to dry so I didn't disturb their peace!


Robbie said...

Jeff, the model is coming along well, good to see you're a the paint stage - others take note!

The double-deck pen holder is also very promising. Can you go triple though?


Student Contributor said...

Robbie it would need to be quadruple gohh seriously haha. what use is a pen holder if you are trying to put pens through the bottom of a Cup???

Student Contributor said...

Hey jeff, good job here. clearly you have progressed well. it will be interesting to see how the final product ends up after it is completely painted and ready for display. good work though!

- Kieran J.

Student Contributor said...

jeff have you thought about how you will display your model? maybe some kind of ball or head model would be good so that we can see how it's worn?

Student Contributor said...

there some sick gantt charts