Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hi this is my model development! I did most of my work in the workshop, I still have few things to do to my model.
The top of my device I used vacum forming to get the clear plastic shape. The bottom part of my device is a container(air chamber).When you push it, the rubber between the air chamber and the glass will push up the polystyrene pieces...
Wish you guys a great weekend!

聰明搜尋和瀏覽網路的免費工具列 — Windows Live 搜尋工具列


Student Contributor said...

hi lisa,
sounds u know what to do with your model. just wondering what r u going to actually put something in your facum forming bits?
is it going to work?


Student Contributor said...

I like that you were able to find materials other than wood to make you model out of. It looks like you're doing well with the modeling so far. Have you thought about how you plan on finishing it as far as color and texture?

Emily C