Saturday, September 13, 2008

shower head forms.


so my chosen concept was a shower head that measures the amount of
water by comparing the pressure of water flow with the diameter of the
pipe in which it flows through, and after the standardised value of
water has been used it alerts the user with a drop in pressure...
eventuating to the water cutting out completely. (there can be LED's
to flash also).

these are two forms i have adopted and may take into consideration. I
like the streamline design, however, i may try to make it look a
little more related to the environment, although this could look tacky
and i do want to keep it edgy and sleek like most brand new shower
heads on the market at the moment.

tell me what you're thinking?



Student Contributor said...

hi Luke,
i like how you make two pipes for the hot and cold water and the system that you put in. as in it will give out warning by giving cold water for the user however how if the user used a cold water in summer??
will it switch it to hot water?
but overall i like how you are thinking about you product and how you will take consideration of making the shape more to the environment kind of thing.
anyway its good... keep up the good work.


Student Contributor said...

Hey lukey, really like these concepts and they would be so easy to use. Is it a completely automated design though? I also agree with the "tacky" factor and its safer to go with the more streamline design. I reckon it would be awesome to have an option of selecting like "cold jetstream alert function" which means the shower head would shoot out cold water once 4 minutes had elapsed or something. Anyways you've really simplified this problem and form is the only real thing to worry about now. Oh what kind of materials are you thinking of using for the head?
Great work mate, looking forward to the end product.
