Saturday, September 13, 2008

Final? maybe?

so i was going with my 'bluetooth' idea but then i just came up with this before.
ideally it's made of matt rubber and you can strap it around your arm, forearm, ankle etc depending on the user. it also is super flat so it's hidden under your clothes. it sends off a slight vibration when turned on silent, or beeps if user selects normal mode. haven't really explored it yet but there's a rough sketch. oh and it's measuring fatigue, but i think i've gone n a direction where i'm measuring tiredness in general. the device will beep/vibrate every few hours depending on the level of activity. ie; high activity it will beep more often.


1 comment:

Student Contributor said...

Hey Annie, I like the direct product to human interface, the means of avoiding a screen is unique and appears at first glance to be effective. You might need to spend a little more time on the placement of and the technology behind the device... because writing isn't strenuous yet the device may indicate otherwise... weightlifting doesn't require much movement...
