Saturday, September 13, 2008

Final Concept

Here is my final design which measures hydration by calculating the percentage of water particles (h2o) in a given sample of saliva. its a quick and easy method of measuring hydration as water is used to keep the eyes nose and mount moist and so the more water particles the more hydrated the user is. The interface device has a piece of Plexiglas where light is projected onto to it giving the user their hydration measure. This ill ensure that the device can be easily washed and waterproofed.



Student Contributor said...

Hey Nandos! I like your idea for this assessment, very fresh! I think the overall solution to the problem is quite successful. I'm just wondering when you would use such a device? I mean if your dehydrated, wouldn't you already know i.e sweat, thirst? Or are you trying to measure hydration that has occurred but itsn't obvious to the user?

Anyways good work as always

- Chris

Student Contributor said...

Hey man. My product i trying to prevent dehydration. The signs of dehydration are warning and usually mean that your body is already suffering the consequences due to lack of water.