Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rose flower with forest flower vodka is the bomb! I mean concept refinement...

Hi all

So this is my intended design for my measurement: Concentration.

The overall form is that of a watch. The band can be worn around your wrist/arm, ankle (for sports use) and inserted into a specially designed belt for your waist. There are two primary sections to the 'face' of the device: the circular tube and the central radial light. The circular tube shows the concentration in the form of colours, blue being max concentration while red being the least. The central light is activated when the red concentration level is achieved and thus prompting it to flash to get the consumers attention.

I will use the aid of a pedometre to calculate the movement for the device. The higher the movement the higher the concentration.

The devices main use is for studying i.e. typing or writing. But it can also be used to motivate in fitness, if worn around the waist, ankle or in the primary position of the wrist/arm.

I will see if a vibration system like that of a mobile phone will be useful as well, as it would highten the experience of the consumer. A mobile phone is quite compact so this may integrate well into my chosen design.

Good luck everyone

Keep it looked and loaded

- Chris

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Student Contributor said...

cool concept!
you just have to be careful deciding on how to alert the user of low concentration and also what is considered low concentration.

i know my vibrating phone can be really annoying as it can often break my concentration and kill my train of thought...

just something to think about i guess ;)



Student Contributor said...

Yeah fair enough about the vibration but it would only vibrate once you have reched the lowest point of concentration thus not breking concenration in the first place since you lost it all anyways.

- Chris