Saturday, September 13, 2008

Big spikes?? Little spikes??

Hi guys,
I have been mainly developing the form of my product so far and have half come to the conclusion that i will keep the original hemispherical form after experimenting with a lot of other possible forms. In the 'Angry' form of the product i have changed the 'horns' to a more practical kind of spike form that would be more functional in terms of the actual products function. let me know what you think... Also i would like some oppinions on which size spikes look better within the scale of the product. The options are in the picture above. Any suggestions on total changes in form are also welcome as i have been fighting with this predicament all day.. At this stage my final will be the basic hemisphere pictured above that then changes colour and form to a red spiky form(options pictured above). comments are much appreciated. good or bad..
thanks guys have a good weekend
Nick C

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Student Contributor said...

hey pal,

first up, i reckon go with the big spikes for sure! they look way better, and make for a heap more interesting shape, have you thought about maybe making the bottom a complete mirror image of that so it's like one big spikey sphere? I dunno, could give you some more options for the way you activate the device or hold it...

Student Contributor said...

oh sorry that was me dan healy... cheers robbie

Student Contributor said...

hey nick, really like the way your product is going, simple function that i think would interest people. i like the first spikes makes it more dramatic (i think), just wondering what makes the shape come out and what sort of material surrounds the blob that gets pushed out? really like the idea.

Jason T