Saturday, August 16, 2008

Respect the Lathe!

Aight, I was turning my final running radio's body down in the lathe, i fortunately possess in my garage. It was going great, i was relaxed, the body was taking shape, Ipod was pumping some seriously first-rate lathe turning beats, i was building immense confidence in my blue foam turning ability. Thus, i decided to carve out some internal details on the underside of the base........... with a needle file. (BIG MISTAKE). I urged the needle file towards the support shaft to create an internal taper. (BIGGER MISTAKE). The needle file managed to be caught between the shaft and the foam, thus inducing a torque on the file and smashing the crap out the bottom half of my Radio Runner leading to instantaneous-catastrophic-structural-blue foam-failure. Lol
So please, respect the lathe and the lathe will respect you......and your work!

Luckily i wasn't injured.I'm going to do another one, but need more foam, so it's going to have to wait till next week.

Daniel D.


Student Contributor said...

that would be rather annoying. the two that you have done look like your refined the idea well. good luck with the lathe for next time. kaitlin

Student Contributor said...

Dan I can't believe that this happened, you must have reached the fourth dimension or something, because dan the man would never have such a lapse in concentration lol. On a more serious note though, the radio runner is looking very nice. Attention to detail has been looked at very closely and the speaker is very impressive. I know you wanted to shift the electronic tuner display but how about the radio's feel? Is it ergonomically satisfactory to you?

Student Contributor said...

oh sorry dan, that was me Jonny

Student Contributor said...

Feel's pretty good jonny, I’ve enhanced or rather increased the grip length so larger hands can use as well and increased the dia. of the grip. Looks more stocky and durable. Yeah i've shifted the electronic display to the back of the protruding tail, and im sticking with it, no more changes, no more refinement. lol

Dan D.

Robbie said...

never say never!