Saturday, August 16, 2008


I couldn't get into the workshop this week, so i worked on my exploded view and renderings instead. Kaitlin xo

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Student Contributor said...

Hey Kaitlin, havn't seen much of your work, but in future I should because this looks very interesting. Very unique shape and form. I love the orientation of the bottom speakers and the use of green and grey colours. Complements your idea very nicely indeed. Just wondering though, what kind of materials would you would use to make this kind of radio, is it expensive? I reckon chrome would look so good for the curved lines on the top. Have you made a mock up model yet, because if you made this model very well, it would look awesome?

Good luck with it

Student Contributor said...

Good to see that you have spent a lot of effort on the drawings, though I am a little wary.

The point of the exploded view is to show that your design fits the brief; the circuit board and speaker is of the required size, molded plastic back component and fits in the size limit.

I don't know how accurate you have to be in terms of proportions between the components, how much detail you have to go into and so forth...

Robbie, could you clarify?


Robbie said...

the overall idea is that the exploded view supports the model, which is actual size. By looking at the model and the drawings, I will be able to tell if you have met the brief.

Also, it's a good 'self test' before the submission for everyone to check their own projects.
