Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hi all

This is my 'model' radio. As you can safely say, it was better when I received my foam block from Mario then it is now. This has to be the biggest EPIC FAIL so far this semester and I think that means I come 1st place in something.

I love:
-The uneven surface
-The rough textury feel
-The inaccurate measurements
-The overall crap vibe from the aesthetics and disproportionality of the 'natural perspective'

What's funny about this was just posting this before 12am was hard enough because of my ****** internet was being a douche bag. So thank you **** ***** ***** ***** ***** internet for further ***** me up in the knowledge I will get 0 for this weeks blog sector of marks. The number 0 and my name next to each other are becoming a habit of late

- Chris


Robbie said...

Chris, as unhappy as you may be with your model or internet connection at this stage, there's really no excuse for using that kind of language in assessment work.

I have moderated your post, removing the inappropriate and offensive language.

Please everyone, observe the university policy on language, which can be found in the unit outline.

The lesson here is do not leave things to the last minute.


Student Contributor said...

Yeah fair enough, I was real angry but yeah dont leave things to the last minute. I will keep my inner feelings to myself next time

- Chris