Saturday, September 20, 2008

Time Tube.


haven't had a chance to get into the workshop yet... due to other commitments and it being closed on friday...
anywho, since i don't have a model to post up, thought i'd atleast show you what my design will look like
and why it looks the way it does.

my project is based around managing/observing time, i've developed a 'time tube' device which basically displays
how much work you've done on a particular goal and how much you should have completed based on the the time till it's due date.
As per one of robbie's brilliant idea's, i decided to place four time tubes on a dumb waiter of sorts.
essentially, four (or more!?) of the tubes can be placed in this rotating stand.
The idea behind this is that you can quickly check your progress by spinning the stand and picking out any large discrepancies in progress etc.
It also theoretically joins all four tubes into one big progress meter but with four different levels of progress on the one bar.

progress levels are manually adjusted by the user (approximate) and each tube glows its own colour. the colours not only have the purpose of separating goals, they should also 'meld' together when the stand is spun creating a neat effect and hopefully develop a stronger bond between the user and time.

one last thing i'd like to ask:

how many of you have a wall, or a flat vertical surface within arms reach of your desk?
i would like the unit to be wall mounted but i'm not sure how many students actually have walls around their desk.

maybe you have yours in the middle of your room... like an island of pain.... and study...?

here's a few pictures of what i've been ranting about:

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