Saturday, September 20, 2008

Initial Models + Tip

Hi guys. here is a few photos of my initial models. The one on the left is the 'Calm' form and the one on the right is the 'Angry' form. i also put some human scale in there so hopefully you get an idea of their size.
Blue Foam tip:
This one may be a little obvious to most.
For round forms, always use the lathe. although it may not seem too hard to make even the smallest of things round by hand. In reality it is not as easy as you first think. From a simple cylinder up to a really complex cylindrical based form, or even a sphere. Use the lathe. It is more effective, accurate and in most cases faster.
i hope that helps at least one person. have a great weekend guys. cya soon.
Nick C

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Student Contributor said...

hi nick, the model looks reallllll good!
are the spikes really sharp though? you might want to round it off a tad cos it seems a bit hazardous lol

Student Contributor said...

Wow that is incredible man! It looks exactly like your sketches which is just fantastic because often when one does try and make a model they end up looking really differently!

Just a question: do the spikes potrude out of the the semi-sphere when you get angry or are they already spikes that are set and do not move?

Otherwise excellent work

- Chris