Saturday, September 20, 2008

modelling tip

oops, forgot my modelling tip:

check, double check, recheck, double check the recheck and check again.

if something can go wrong it will go wrong, if it doesn't go wrong count yourself lucky.

and another one... the fast disc sander is not 100% accurate.
when you adjust the degree back to square, use a square! zero is NOT zero that machine (it should be 0.5 degrees or something)
i have ruined a lot of models because i forgot to check :(

and another one i just remembered...
the further from the centre of the disc sander you go, the less flat your model will be, the sandpaper can start to peel up on the sides
and the larger rotation accentuates this! try to sand stuff in the middle.

this is what happens when you fail modelmaking :P (don't do it... just dont :()

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