Saturday, September 20, 2008

Foam models require patience!

Hey guys, I've managed to make a fair bit of progress with my foam model, but that was only after at least 3 failed attempts and much frustration. Unfortunately (for some unknown reason??) the workshop was closed on friday, so, not only did I waste time and money driving to caufield, but this also meant that I had to try and sand the main game block by hand and getting it square required a lot of patience lol. Finally though I was able to get a reasonable result.

Also, in regards to my tip, as you can see I've got a lot of holes in my model, and I did try drilling the first one; big mistake! Its probably common sense but drilling into blue foam tends to break the foam around the hole and this looks very messy. So if you have to make holes use circular objects like nails, pens, bolts etc and simply push them into the foam. 


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