Sunday, September 21, 2008

Modelling Tip

For those who are creating models that incorporate moving/rotating parts the best way to create this mechanism is to;

1 -Tap 4 or 5 nuts together using double sided tap (note; screw your threaded bolt/screw into the nuts prior to taping to ensure the nuts are aligned.

2 - Drill a hole into your model the same size if not slightly smaller than the diameter of the tapped nuts and to the depth required.

3 - Next push the double sided tapped nuts in to the hole using the bolt/screw, use a little PVA glue to seal and keep the nuts submerged, if the model is made of wood use some Body Filler to cover the surface imperfection (note: wait until the Body filler has gained a texture like 'cheese' (approximately 3 minutes) then retract the bolt/screw and remove the Body Filler caught in the thread.)

4 - Next cut the head off the bolt/screw and tape the end that is not needed, increase the diameter by about 2mm.

5 - Drill a hole using the same size if not slightly smaller than the diameter of the tapped bolt/screw and to the depth required. (note: make sure the second drilled hole is aligned with the first).

6 - Repeat the step 3 this time submerges the tapped end of the bolt/screw.

7 - Wait about 3 hours for both the submerged bolts/screws and the partially submerged screw to set in the holes before screwing it together.


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